The urbanism debate in German and French sociology 1950–2000
Oleg Leibovich
Perm State Institute of Culture, Perm, Russia
о[email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0001-5191-939X
The author’s research approach to the topic of urbanism in continental European sociology is based on two fundamental points: 1) no unified sociology of the city has emerged; the historian of science has to deal with national sociologies, such as German and French; 2) the common ideological or, more broadly, intellectual situations give rise to similar attitudes and research topics in professional sociological communities. The choice of Francophone and German-language texts for analysis is determined by the wide exchange and mutual influence of national sociological schools between 1950 and 2000. In both countries, there was a process of reconstruction of sociology, first on the reception of American sociology and then on its critique. In 50 years, there were three paradigm shifts in the study of urban culture. Initially, the ideological concept of urbanism dominated national sociologies, opposing the German philosophical tradition of the era of O. Spengler and his predecessors. Urbanism was considered a function of urban space, ensuring freedom and personal development for all citizens (H. P. Bahrdt). The new political economy paradigm (M. Castells) initially began with a critique of urbanism as a bourgeois ideology devoid of theoretical content. Subsequently, the new paradigm was constructed in terms of the political economy of “Capital” without any reference to the cultural aspects of urban life. A city is nothing more than infrastructure for the circulation of capital, collective means of consumption necessary for the reproduction of labor, tied to the territory, inelastic, and unprofitable. Citizens were considered agents of the economic process, faceless and deprived of individual features, which was a moment in economic development. In mastering the city's political economy, sociologists have overlooked the analysis of specific social situations, cultural conflicts, the functioning of imagined communities, and the symbolic connection of the citizens with the city. The political economy of the city was replaced by a new school of social urbanism under the brand of critical sociology (W. Siebel, A. Bourdin). Its adherents made an inventory of languages to describe urban culture and lifestyle, emphasized the idea of accessibility of basic subject and institutional tools of urban life, analyzed the possibilities of urbanism for the social integration of citizens, and described the status of urbanism in urban planning, calling it a great social mission (A. Bourdin). In search of an adequate concept of urbanism, sociologists formed their own social identity, proving their necessity and importance in the social and cultural reconstruction of European society.
KEYWORDS: French and German, urban sociology, urbanism, history of sociology, research paradigms, ideological constructs.
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Information about the author
Oleg L. Leybovich
Doctor of Sci. (History), Professor
Head of Cultural Science
and Philosophy Department
Perm State Institute of Culture
18, Gazety Zvezda St., Perm, 614000,
Russian Federation
ORCID: 0000-0001-5191-939X
Web of Science ResearcherID: R-4154-2016
Scopus AuthorID: 57191610916
e-mail: о[email protected]
For citation:
Leibovich, O. L. (2024). The urbanism debate in German and French sociology 1950–2000. Urbis et Orbis. Microhistory and Semiotics of the City, 4(2), 141–153.