


№ 1 (2022): URBIS ET ORBIS



The Sociocultural Position of “The Old City Space” as a Semiotic Code of Intercultural Communication




Arina Sherstiuk

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University,

Kaliningrad, Russia

[email protected]


ORCID: 0000-0001-7158-4216



The purpose of the scientific paper is to approbate the process of decoding the semiotic connotations system inside «the old city space» by building a practical model of intercultural communication. The article reveals specifics of the semiotic semantics in «the old city space», and its functional role in a socio-cultural and informational-educational aspect of an individual's life. The potential existence of the semiotic code as a medium of synthesized historical socio-cultural elements in the intercultural communication process is considered. The conclusion confirms the concept of modern semiotic interpretation of the historical city space as a structural continuum, comprehensive cultural code, which is in constant sociolect-communicational movement and contextual formation. The article is devoted to the problem of identifying an old city’s socio-cultural environment as a semiotic code. The study examines practical intercultural communication in the projection of forming exchange of cultural connections, translation, and encoding of semiotic connotations. The research relevance lies in the proposed theoretical conceptualization of «the old city space» as a cultural-semiotic hypertext, which is decoded in the global dialogue of cultural paradigms.


Keywords: semiotic code; cultural semantics of «the old city space»; intercultural integration; semiotic dialogue of cultural paradigms.



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About author

Arina Sherstiuk

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University,

Kaliningrad, Russia

[email protected]


For citation: 
Sherstiuk A. The Sociocultural Position of “The Old City Space” as a Semiotic Code of Intercultural Communication // Urbis et Orbis. Микроистория и семиотика города. 2022. № 1 (2). С. 29-42. DOI: