The editors of the Urbis et Orbis. Microhistory and semiotics of the City strictly adhere to the standards of publishing ethics and makes every effort to prevent its possible violations. In forming the editorial policy the journal is based on the recommendations of international organizations on publication ethics:

Compliance with ethical standards and rules is mandatory for all participants of the process of publishing scientific materials: authors, reviewers, editorial board members, editors, and publishing staff.

Publication ethics is understood as a set of basic principles that organize professional activities for the selection, publication, presentation, and dissemination of scientific materials.

All authors are equal in their right to publish in the journal. The material received by the editor is sent for review subject to the author's compliance with the pre-published guidelines for authors. The material is accepted for publication on the basis of a positive review of the reviewer (reviewers). The editors reserve the right to reject the submitted article in case of non-compliance with the subject of the journal, poor academic quality, violation of the rules of registration, or on the basis of a reasoned negative review of at least one reviewer.

The author is responsible for the accuracy of the published information and statements. The information given in the text should be accompanied by verifiable references to the source. By submitting his / her material to the editors, the author guarantees that his / her work is original is not under consideration in the editorial offices of other publications, and that all possible conflicts of interest related to copyright are resolved.

Due to the open nature of knowledge and freedom of critical thinking inherent in the process of scientific and philosophical search, the debatable nature and style of published author's materials, judgments, and conclusions are recognized as acceptable.

The editors and reviewers evaluate the content of manuscripts regardless of race, gender, religion, origin, citizenship, or political views of the authors. Personal criticism of the author is also unacceptable. The manuscript accepted for consideration is considered a confidential document. The editors do not disclose information about the manuscript to anyone other than the authors, reviewers, and publishers. Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts may not be used in any form in other studies without the written consent of the author. The activity of the editors is focused on openness and objective reporting. Biased attitude or abuse of official position by the members of the editors and reviewers in the course of their professional activities is not allowed.

The editor-in-chief is responsible for the scientific level of published materials, ensures the process of objective review, makes decisions on controversial issues, independently on commercial interest or personal preferences.