Concept of Grodno: Dictionary Definitions and Associations




Zoya Sidorovich
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Belarus
[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-1614-815X



The paper reports on a study of the national-geographical cultural concept Grodno, using data from 33 different types of dictionaries published between 1907 and 2014, as well as an associative experiment. The study aimed to collect and analyze information about the lexeme Grodno presented in dictionaries and determine the main characteristics of the concept. The structure of the concept was found to include core, value, image, and conceptual components. Only 10 dictionaries recorded the lexeme Grodno, but the study was able to create its own word-formation nest with the lexeme, comprising 8 units. The results of the associative experiment helped identify the concept Grodno in the language picture of the world of 100 Grodno citizens. The paper examines the concept Grodno, its structure, and its linguistic representation, considering cognitive and linguacultural aspects. The study used a complex method of analysis, employing a range of general scientific and linguistic methods. Based on the analysis of dictionary definitions and the associative experiment, a generalized model of the concept Grodno and its components is presented, including the city and its location, the first mention of the city, the number of inhabitants, history, people related to Grodno, architecture, industrial sectors and enterprises, infrastructure, environmental condition, and evaluation (fame). The paper highlights the importance of the concept Grodno as a fundamental concept of Belarusian culture, reflecting the idea of the city in the linguistic picture of the world of Russian-speaking people.


Keywords: cognitive linguistics, concept, city, dictionary, association, Grodno.





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Information about the author

Zoya Z. Sidorovich
Cand. Sci. (Philology),
Associate Professor of Russian Philology Department
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
22, Ozheshko St., Grodno, 230023, Belarus
ORCID: 0000-0003-1614-815X
e-mail: [email protected]


For citation:
Sidorovich, Z. Z. (2023). Concept Grodno: Dictionary definitions and associations. Urbis et Orbis. Microhistory and Semiotics of the City, 3(1), 162–173.